Justice Speaks Benefit Luncheon
11:30 AM11:30

Justice Speaks Benefit Luncheon

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We are a justice generation rising - a family and global army - joining our voices, resources, and efforts to see the end of human trafficking.


We believe it is the worthiest cause of our era. 
This is a movement of true justice.

Join us for a red carpet afternoon in the company of change agents and influencers to champion truth, stand in bold hope for victory, and raise our voices to invest in a just and restored future for women and children affected in Los Angeles, Thailand, and Nepal.


Heather Isaac

Speaker, mentor, advocate and change maker for those trapped in the commercial sex industry.

Heather was trafficked at the age of 21 and was commercially exploited  in the sex industry for 7 years. She became a Playboy model at 28, which ultimately led to her redemption and healing. It was an encounter with the heart of God that gave her a newfound purpose to bring freedom to those trapped in the trauma of sexual abuse and exploitation. Through outreach to women in county jails, strip clubs, bikini barista stands, and leading recovery groups in both Washington and Arizona, Heather is redeeming the lives of many.
She was also the Director of Esteemed Outreach, a grassroots organization for sexually exploited women. Using her personal experiences and her training and expertise, she led the largest sexual exploitation recovery group in Washington.
Heather is determined to use her story of redemption and healing to advance the Kingdom of God and bring Jesus His full reward.  She and her husband, Jeff are proud parents of their 15 year old daughter.

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James Haven

Director, producer, and justice advocate.

Raised in the entertainment business James Haven is no stranger to the impact that films, TV, and social media have on our world and the narratives of our lives. As the world becomes more complicated there is one thing that is constant — we are children, we are teens, we are adults — and whatever happens to us as children will affect us for the rest of our lives. Period.
This is the heartbeat that has rallied James’ dedication to youth related causes. From lobbying Congress on behalf of multiple children’s rights organizations and working with the White House under President Obama to partnering with Rick Warren to establish the first ever Youth Summit on AIDS, James is raising his voice against the vulnerabilities of our youth. 
Continuing to protect children from abuse, James is now releasing his film Court of Conscience online, creating an awareness movement to become a beacon for preventing child abuse, and developing SafeHavens, an online platform that will unite organizations with a shared mission for children's rights.

And a surprise musical guest!


11:30  Red Carpet & Silent Auction
12:30 — Program & Lunch Begin
2:30  Event Concludes

Seats and sponsorships are limited so purchase your ticket today.


Be a Justice Partner — sponsorship & ticketing information:

Photos from last year’s benefit at the Wilshire Country Club

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